Cant Find My Vinyl Rolls
When ordering from us, we do what is called "rainbow rolling" to help prevent damage during shipping. We tend to get a few emails where customers tell us we forgot some of their vinyl, when in fact it is rolled inside the other vinyl. Here is a picture of what your order will look like when you open the box: (We have blocked out any customer information)
Order view from the top, and you can see this customer ordered 3 different rolls of vinyl:
In the above picture it looks like all we have sent this customer is their roll of white, when in fact we sent them all of their vinyl. You will need to take your vinyl out of the box and open the package.
Once you take the vinyl out of the box and look at the side you can clearly see there are 3 distinct rolls (for this specific order). Now, if what you ordered is close in color you will need to un-roll the vinyl completely (if you can not separate it like this) to see all of your order. Again, we roll vinyl like this to help prevent damage during shipping (several thin rolls can get crushed, where one thicker roll will not). If you order 15ft or larger (as this customer did) we will roll vinyl around it that is shorter, but try not to roll 15ft or larger around any other vinyl. Before sending an email to us stating that your order is incorrect, please take your vinyl out of the box and actually look at what is put into the package.