Best Files To Use With CraftCutterSupply.com Designer For DTF And UV DTF (Direct To Film) Printing.
In this video we go over the best file type to use when making your custom DTF or UV DTF designs with our designer. We will also show you the cropping tool and the background removal tool. The background removal tool will also remove certain colors that you choose. This works well if you want to remove black from an image because you are putting it on a black shirt. If you have time, play with this feature as it really does a lot, and has a slider for tolerance.
DTF - https://craftcuttersupply.com/products/custom-ccs-dtf-transfers-dtf-gang-sheet-new-designer-longer-lengths-available
Glitter DTF - https://craftcuttersupply.com/products/custom-glitter-ccs-dtf-transfers-dtf-gang-sheet-1
Glow DTF - https://craftcuttersupply.com/products/custom-glow-ccs-dtf-transfers-dtf-gang-sheet-1
UV DTF - https://craftcuttersupply.com/products/custom-uv-dtf-printed-decal-sticker
***Regular DTF is for fabrics and UV DTF is for hard surfaces (think sticker/decal).